We believe that every person has a right to full and complete inclusion in society and in ones community.
Thanks to your support we have been operating tireslessly since 2008 in promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in every aspect of community life and society.
Programs and initiatives that create awareness and promote inclusion in Israel
Promoting legislation awareness of the importance of inclusion of people with disabilities
Beyachad Center for Inclusion
The “Beyachad Center for Inclusion” is our newest initiative, stemming from our success and experience in the field and our belief that we CAN be effective in enacting change and creating a more tolerant and inclusive society, for the good of all.
This unique and unprecedented Center will address all inclusion needs in Israel, in the fields of education, employment, housing, leisure and army/national service, under one roof.
The center will have four regional branches: Jerusalem, Central Israel, North Israel and South Israel.